List of blog entries

An online shopper spends very short time on a page!

An online shopper spends very short time on a page!

Everything is done for fast reading (user-friendly). In these conditions, the mass effect generates sales, exactly as.....

The daily variations in the search index of each of your brands, based on a

The daily variations in the search index of each of your brands, based on a

personalized keywords list is accessible in 2 clicks! Test it to measure your brand visibility at each of your online sales networks.

Are you sure that e-stores, always  respect your agreements with prices? 

Are you sure that e-stores, always  respect your agreements with prices? 

What is your pricing relative position toward your competitors? The control of the online selling price is much more complex than in...

An SKU being out of stock is a lost sale and a bad brand image,

An SKU being out of stock is a lost sale and a bad brand image,

as well as a bad retailer image. Our industrial partners and suppliers are daily monitoring...

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