List of blog entries

How many weighted methods, to measure the retail promotional pressure, exist?   48

How many weighted methods, to measure the retail promotional pressure, exist? 48

 (All combining the number of pages in catalogs; the number of photos, the number of SKU,  the number of stores covered and many other available indicators.) How do you find yourself in this multitude?

Is it all about metrics?

Is it all about metrics?

#Promotion has often been regarded by  #retail channels managers as a constraint expenditure, not as an investment. There are even examples of ##retailers who successfully tried to develop a business model without any #promotion.

How to factor in relativity in #marketing?

How to factor in relativity in #marketing?

For any modern company, knowing their #promotional costs and turnover is a pretty easy task: how their efforts increased from one year to another and how this evolution impacted their sales. As for knowing the competitors' #market-shares;...

Are all your indicators well aligned?

Are all your indicators well aligned?

The greatest fear of a middle manager is to provide its hierarchy with  a report, a study which does not make sense because of inconstancy between #Shares-of-voice, #share-of-web-research, #market-shares

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