List of blog entries

How to correlate participation to the promotional costs and the coverage of this same promotion?

How to correlate participation to the promotional costs and the coverage of this same promotion?

Since 10 years, users of the multi-channel promotional monitoring solution Hipercom have solved this difficulty thanks to...

Is the participation in marketing costs for promotional leaflets always weighted with the size of the coverage?

Is the participation in marketing costs for promotional leaflets always weighted with the size of the coverage?

The manager of the promotional budget constantly needs to know precisely the correlation between costs and...

Coverage : National ? Regional? Local?

Coverage : National ? Regional? Local?

The regional mass media have introduced geographic segmentation in marketing.

So TV, radio, press and outdoor have created a price list based on the size of their target.  When a retailer chooses a regional approach to segment its catalog based in order to adjust its offers and/or tariffs; the coverages principles, either national, regional or local, are exactly the same as for the traditional…

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