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Show. Don't Tell. How improved product photography helps boost online sales

Show. Don't Tell. How improved product photography helps boost online sales

Each retailer is familiar with the all-time truth: a picture is worth a thousand words in an e-commerce environment. The quality of posted photos directly reflects the quality of the products and, ultimately, the brand perception. Moreover, contemporary customers expect to see multiple images and angles of products before they click to buy. Undeniably, they will always be more likely to purchase from the site which features best quality images and offers them an interactive experience. Customers will always appreciate the opportunity to visually confirm what they are buying. It is worth taking an extra effort and present potential customers ...

GDSN: “Boring subject with exciting consequences”

GDSN: “Boring subject with exciting consequences”

Over the last ten years, Global Data Synchronization (GDS) has evolved into a standard practice for businesses to share product data. GDS significantly improves the accuracy of product data, increases the speed to market for new products and reduces the costs in the supply chain. A worldwide expansion and product synchronization across regions is becoming more common. As proof to the widespread adoption, the use of GTINs (Global Trade Item Number) continues to expand and the Global Registry has reached 7 million.

Poor Data Costs Money So Sync'n Save

Poor Data Costs Money So Sync'n Save

A growing number of brand owners understand the need to ensure precise and detailed product data and images across all e-commerce channels, including mobile. Both manufacturers and retailers want to exercise more control over product data which is distributed across their entire supply chain all the way to the consumer. The requirements of the EU Food Information Regulation make the need for such accurate product description even more pressing and urgent. With sales figures and their reputation at stake, brand owners are determined to guarantee a consistently accurate customer experience worldwide, regardless of where the product information is showed.

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